I am not sure I would call it a blockbuster but I did enjoy Fat Man and Little Boy. Also, it was mostly about the making of the bomb but also about Oppenheimer.

If people buy, or check out, All the tales of a Curious Character, it came with a audio CD that has some great talk by Feynman.

BTW: Quantum: … by Manjit Kumar is an excellent history of the development of quantum mechanics.

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According to wikipedia, it "made under $4 million on its original release," so not much of a blockbuster. I saw *some* film or TV movie about the Manhattan Project, but I can't remember what it was called. All I remember is a scene where the scientists assume Groves is a dopey military grunt, and then he points out an error in their calculations.

I liked "Quantum", but I'd rate TMOTAB higher. It evoked a wistful thrill for problem-solving that no other book has. Or maybe I just read it in the right mood -- where are the big problems that we're all trying to solve!?

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